Prenuptial Agreements
What is a prenuptial agreement good for?
If you obtained a variety of assets on your own before you are married, it’s a good idea to consider the benefits of signing a prenuptial agreement before entering into a marriage. Many people have the preconceived notion that prenups are only good for protecting your assets for yourself, when in fact, they can protect your children from a previous marriage if anything is to ever happen. Prenups can also strengthen marriages, eliminating all sources of conflict and potential mistrust due to assets and finances.
With our extensive knowledge and years of experience, you can trust the family lawyers at Lopez & Wilmert, LLP to guide you through your prenuptial agreement. We understand what these agreements must contain and take your needs into consideration when drafting a strong document of representation. Our goals are to draft a prenup that avoids all possible pitfalls if it is ever put into action and to give you the peace of mind that comes when you know your assets are safe.
Why hire our family lawyers?
You may be asking yourself “Why do I need a lawyer to determine what belongs to me if anything is to happen to my marriage?? Sure, no one wants to think a marriage is going to fail, but if you create a prenuptial agreement without the legal authority of an attorney, what you think belongs to you may be lost in a divorce. Not to mention, it’s harder than you think to decide what’s fair in a hypothetical situation.
To avoid a situation in which a court declares your prenup to be an invalid document, you can hire our team of attorneys at Lopez & Wilmert to help you draft and legalize a prenup. With an attorney present, you have the representation you need to ensure that what is written is fair and valid.
Contact our law firm today with any questions you may have about your prenuptial agreement.