Family Law: Paternity
Establishing Your Parental Rights
Paternity is defined as the legal and the social acknowledgment of a relationship between a child and his or her father. Generally, when a child is born and the parents are married, the husband is presumed to be the biological father of the child. However, this presumption can be challenged is there is any doubt about who the true biological father of the child or children is.
The family lawyers at Lopez & Wilmert, LLP specializes in paternity cases, giving fathers the reassurance that their rights as parents are protected. When the paternity of a child is in question, you need the qualified family law attorneys at our firm to help you. A mother or father can ask for the court to determine the rights of the parties at any time.
Consent or Testing
Usually, paternity cases occur when a mother needs proof that the person she believes to be the father of her child is in fact the correct individual. Typically, this happens when the mother is asking for the child support that she deserves. With proper testing, paternity can be determined, and the court will place support terms in place.
When paternity doubts come into play, the man in question can consent his relationship with the child as the father figure, and he can sign an Affidavit Acknowledging Paternity. This acknowledgment will thus hold the man responsible as the father, even if later he is proved to not be the biological father.
If the man in question refuses to consent, he will be required to take a paternity test that analyzes his DNA. This test will show the connection of the child and father figure, giving courts the right to assign child support if necessary.
We understand that all of this information may be confusing and offer a free consultation with a family law attorney, during which we can explain your rights and determine if we are a good match for your case. Contact us today.